Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links, which means if you buy something through those links I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. My opinions are always my own.
It has been awhile since I’ve updated ya’ll on my life. Well to fill you in, nothing exciting has happened since the year has started- EXCEPT for the fact that I moved to CHINA. Yea, you heard me, I’m living in FREAKING CHINA RIGHT NOW!
It has officially been a week since I moved down here and oh boy jet lag has got me feeling all kinds of eff’d up. My sleep schedule could be compared to Fergie’s take on the national anthem during that 2018 NBA All-star game, complete trash. But it’s all good in the neighborhood, sleep isn’t even that great. Everything is amazing besides only sleeping 40 minutes each day. The weather is warm and humid as hell #FloridaVibes and the people are kind and inviting. What more could you ask for?
Also, on another note, before I moved here I assumed I would lose weight because I wouldn’t vibe with the food, but honestly that was a fat joke. The food here is surprisingly delicious and I have eaten my weight in rice and noodles about 1000 times already. Real Chinese food holds interesting flavors that your norm Chinese takeout could never come near to. If I were to sum up the food in three sayings, this would be it:
- Simply amazing
- A party in my mouth
Take one bite of the food in China and you will realize the Chinese food in America is nothing close to the actual meals here. So yea, tell your local Chinese restaurant to get their shit together because you really are missing out.
The best thing I have tried so far would be 鸡肉米粉 (Jīròu mǐfěn). In english, that means Rice Noodles with chicken. And lemme tell ya, that stuff tastes just like chicken noodle soup <3.
China has treated my belly really well and hopefully it will treat my new year resolutions well too. I have made sure to prioritize my time this year for things that will better me in the long run and so far I have been keeping to it. I will be living here for the next seven months and during my stay I will continue taking risks, finding my passion and be content with being alone.
Also, please keep me in your prayers, for I am just about to use the Metro for the first time and I am absolutely terrible with directions.
Ya girl,