Home ยป Yo, let’s talk about growth baby ๐ŸŽถ

Yo, let’s talk about growth baby ๐ŸŽถ

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“Have you noticed, that fruits never grow on the trunks of trees? They are always perched on the branches because to receive the blush of the beloved, they have to quiver and tremble in the breeze.” – Rumi

spiritual growth is like watching a tree grow

This year I have been spending more of my time reading from philosophical texts. The passages and lessons I have read from, have helped me to properly understand my physical journey. They have aided me greatly during hard times and have taught me how everything holds its own form of truth and guide to transcendence.

Lately, I’ve been struggling. I’ve been feeling stressed out of mind. I feel as if I’m being pulled in numerous directions. My skin has been stretched so much that I no longer have structure.

Due to this pull, my sense of identity has wandered off… But I know as the days continue, it will align itself back with my spiritual body once again. I just need to reach out to my enlightened companions, patience, and acceptance for everything to fall back into place.

I like to imagine our souls as beautiful giants. Each stands inside us and as we go through life, it’s our spiritual journey to grow as tall as them. I feel that our purpose on this earth is to become enlightened and to reach that “higher” understanding of self.

spiritual enlightenment means to understand your emotions

Since the beginning of man, we have been subjected to not only physical challenges but mentally excruciating obstacles. Our resilience and continued perseverance have showcased the beauty of human existence.

To feel and embrace emotion has revolutionized not only our sense of being but also our humanity. To allow our energies to feel welcomed and understood creates harmony within ourselves and our surrounding environment. We mustn’t invalidate our pain or any form of emotions for that matter but instead grow from them.

To react humanly is to create mankind. And that is what I am working on this year. Now to end with this:

If the heart opens and streams of tears pour out, know that these waters are holy. Wherever water falls, life flourishes; wherever tears fall, divine mercy is shown. Nature also celebrates our teardrops, Rumi says: The bough is made green and fresh by the weeping cloud and the candle is made brighter by its weeping.” – Exert from Spiritual Gems of Islam

Philosophical and spiritual growth leads to a happier life

Ya girl,
