Home » Yo, let’s talk law of attraction

Yo, let’s talk law of attraction

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Weaving the fabric of life

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about life and how the elements of this world work together to create various experiences.

I have come to find that there is an easy comparison to be made with the concept of our livelihood and with the process of threading fabric.

Both are weaved together through human action; a spatio-temporal contradictoriness of creation and maintenance.


With our ability to craft judgments, communication, and maintaining some sort of value with one another, we are at the reigns of free will, but to an extent.

Though given the power to choose, our surrounding counterparts are conceptualized differently, for our environment is an environment of reaction.

This is where we can identify creation and maintenance. To elaborate further, I’ll share an example. When an individual decides to showcase a personal art piece at a function, they are demonstrating a decision they willingly chose, and when their piece begins to receive mixed reviews, it’s up to the individual how to assess that. To chose and assess (creation and maintenance) are the two functions that weave our experiences into the fabric of our lives.

Now given that basic blueprint of human conception, I’ve been drawn to the philosophy of the law of attraction.

The science behind the law of attraction

The law of attraction is a belief that positive/negative thoughts bring positive/negative experiences into a person’s life. Typically, whatever a person puts out into the universe is also what they would receive in return.

I’ve started to believe deeply in this ideology. I began pushing myself into becoming more of a positive attribute within my surrounding environment. Initially, this push was small. I started out by simply thanking my mind and body for functioning, every morning. Then this progressed into me verbally sharing gratitude towards my body. From there, I found my body reacting differently than before. I somehow gained better endurance and felt healthier.

After I noted this reaction, I’ve been actively laying out more positive energy around myself.

If you think about it, our entire existence is mind boggling. We are literally mystical creatures spawned from cosmic stardust. We have been on this earth for nearly six million years and have yet to understand the reality behind our consciousness. Our existence is derived from an unexplainable inception!


With that being the case, how couldn’t the law of attraction hold any kind of precedent?

To give more examples of reciprocated energies, let’s talk about the effect of music on plants.

How energy recycles

According to various studies, scientists found that plants that listened to classical music, were subjected to phenomenal growth; plants grew at a rate that accelerated by 20% in height and 72% in biomass when exposed.

Plants that were exposed to musical artists like Haydn, Beethoven, Brahms, and Schubert grew towards and entwined themselves around the speakers.

But when a separate group of plants were subjected to rock music, abnormal vertical growth and smaller leaves were observed. That very same group even tried to climb a glass-walled enclosure in what appeared to be an attempt to get away from the sound! (These studies are all documented in Retallack’s 1973 book The Sound of Music and Plants.)

Now after knowing how even plants are capable of responding to various ways of nurture, wouldn’t it be a bit absurd to not give one thought towards ourselves?

There’s a deep complex connection between our existence and reality. A connection in which we may never really come to fully understanding…

I find that the law of attraction has not only contributed to a healthier mind and body for myself, but it has also opened doors for me and has allowed my aspirations to come into fruition.

I’ve been able to reflect on my attitude and discover how my life has become happier. I have stronger connections with not only my goals but to the world around me.

I really do believe in manifesting your destiny and I urge you to start believing in it as well.

For those interested in this kind of lifestyle, I’ve included some tips to help get you into the groove, down below.

How to start manifesting your life

  1. Be present. Focus on the now and connect with your surroundings.
  2. Engage with the universe; have conversations. Show gratitude and share your thoughts and feelings.
  3. Believe in your vision. You are your own number #1 supporter, not anyone else.
  4. Create a mantra, and recite it daily.
  5. Search out the things you want to associate with.
  6. Create a vision board.
  7. Look at yourself in the mirror, and really admire yourself. Acknowledge the beauty within and give credit for all the things you’ve done and are trying to accomplish.
  8. Invest in a gratitude journal , and at the end of each day, write down 3 things you are grateful for.
  9. Start engaging with like-minded people. Follow people on social media who have similar aspirations.
  10. Be genuine. Never hold back. You are beautiful and deserve to exist in the way you were created.

Ya girl,
